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◆天然染料顔料会議 第18回大会は、2025年3月22日(土)〜23日(日)に、京都市立芸術大学で開催します。京都駅前に移転・建築された光あふれる校舎での開催です。研究発表と実践報告・展示、実習等、詳細はこちらを御覧下さい。(2025.1.17)

◆天然染料顔料会議 第17回大会は、2022年10月29日(土)・30日(日)に高知で開催しました。

詳 細 大会一覧



The 18th meeting of Natural Dyes and Pigments Conference will be taken place in Kyoto in March 2025.

The 17th meeting of Natural Dyes and Pigments Conference has been taken place in Kochi in Oct. 2022.


 天然染料顔料会議Natural Dyes and Pigments Conference(略称NDPC)は、環境を考え、地球に負荷のかからない循環型の天然染料顔料の研究・開発、社会一般への普及活動を目的として発足しました。

A greeting message from NDPC

Natural Dyes and Pigments Conference (NDPC) is an organization founded to foster research and development in natural dyes and pigments which are environmentally low-impact and biodegradable, and to promote the use of such dyes and pigments to the society at large.

DPC invites dye and pigment researchers and artists, as well as amateur dyers and craftworkers to our academic forums, seminars, workshops and exhibitions. Our activities are designed to promote the use of natural colors with consideration of the global environment, which include research and presentation on colors derived from natural sources, conservation of dye plants and natural pigments, and preservation activities of traditional techniques. We would like this conference to stimulate public awareness of natural dyes and pigments by presenting research and workshops, while serving as a platform of opportunity for professional development for NDPC members, both from Japan and abroad.
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最終更新日:2025年1月17日 Last update Jan17, 2025
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